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The Key to Balancing Hiring Responsibilities with Your Standard Day-to-Day Operations

Are you a busy hiring manager? It can often feel like you simply don’t have enough hours in the day to focus on everything that goes into hiring – sourcing, screening, setting up interviews, checking references, and much more – all while balancing your other day-to-day responsibilities. And while there’s no magic “easy button,” there are a few things you can do to make the hiring process more efficient, thereby saving you precious time and making your life a lot easier. 

Here are three suggestions to help you build a better balance: 

Meet Candidates Where They Are

Why waste time struggling to engage with candidates in the wrong place? Keep in mind that today, most job searching is done not on desktop or laptop computers, but through mobile devices. Make sure your website, job listings, and any material that reaches candidates’ eyes is optimized for mobile. Otherwise, you might be missing out on large swaths of candidates. It’s also wise to remember that LinkedIn is a big player in many industries today – if you’re still advertising your openings only on sites like Monster, it’s time to branch out. 

Use Automation to Your Advantage

One of the best ways to make the hiring process more efficient, and to free up more time to focus on day-to-day responsibilities rather than hiring, is to automate what parts of the process you can. For example, you might utilize an automated text-messaging service to keep in touch with candidates as they move through the hiring funnel. These services can remind candidates of interviews or even prompt them to set up meetings automatically, saving you from many of the manual tasks. 

Prioritize What’s Most Important

Take a step back and think about what’s most important when it comes to your organization’s hiring. Is it filling a role as fast as possible? Finding the right person who can grow in the role and benefit the company long-term? Accessing a particular skillset to make sure work gets done properly? When you take the time to think about exactly what you need out of your next hire, there will be less time wasted on candidates who don’t fit the bill. 

Find the Right Balance: Outsource Your Background Screening 

Another way to give yourself more time in the day and find better quality candidates at the same time? Outsource your background screening process. Let Metrodata Services run the background screening checks you require – it frees you up to focus on other operational objectives and ensures you’re bringing on only the very best candidates that meet your qualifications.  

Contact our team today to learn more about our company. We look forward to serving you! 

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