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Will a Pending Court Case Show Up on a Background Check?

When you’re conducting a criminal background check on a prospective or current employee, you’ll receive information on any past criminal convictions, including misdemeanors, felonies, and incarcerations. But what about charges that aren’t in the past? It’s possible that still-pending charges are linked to a candidate, too, which can have a significant impact on your hiring… Read More »

Question: Do Misdemeanors Show Up on a Background Check?

Do Misdemeanors Show Up on a Background Check?

Many companies run criminal record search as part of a screening process. So, what types of crimes could be listed? Do misdemeanors show up on a background check or only felonies? Usually, misdemeanors DO show up on a background check. However, there are exceptions. Here’s a brief overview. What’s the Difference Between an Infraction, a… Read More »